The Employee Assistance Roundtable (EAR) is a group of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) managers to discuss the challenges and opportunities of running such programs in a confidential setting with peers. Our monthly calls and twice a year in-person meetings give our members the opportunity to benchmark, build relationships, and learn from each other. We invite you to join us!
A Message from Our President
The Roundtable is a unique forum for leaders of embedded employee assistance (EA) programs to come together to create exceptional EA programming. With hundreds of years of experience in providing high quality EA programming, this group represents the leading thinkers in embedded EA excellence.
As leaders and mental health professionals within some of the largest and most respected organizations in the world, we have impacted the lives of millions of workers. There have never been greater mental health challenges for our employers and society in general. Coming together as a professional community has never been more critical. If you lead an embedded EA program, we invite you to join this special group of thought leaders. Organizations are looking to the EA profession to address the challenges employees are facing. The Roundtable helps our leaders meet those challenges head on with high quality EA programming.

David Nix, LPC, CEAP
EA Roundtable President
2025 Consortium – Spring

Boulder, CO
Hotel/rates and dates TBD. All rooms reserved through Sherry Saylor: [email protected] | 817.313.4319
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